Panera Bread i Washington

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterPanera Bread



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2001, L Street Northwest, 20036, Washington, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 202-756-0115
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Latitude: 38.9040712, Longitude: -77.0452899

kommentar 5

  • en

    Samantha Mims


    Went here for lunch today. The manager was very friendly! Food was great.

  • en

    Monica Roman


    I ordered a steak arugula sandwich with no onions (allergies.) When I opened it at my desk, lo and behold it had onions. So I walked back over and asked for a redo (I can't just pick the onions off because it would make me very sick) the lady at the register was extraordinarily gracious about it. The kitchen... A disaster, after messing it up twice again, they give me what you see in the picture. Not up to standards and the wrong bread!!! I'll eat it cause I'm hungry and they made me wait my whole lunch time. But I'm not happy. Must note that after the sandwich went back a second time my money was refunded. Front of the house gets an A+, kitchen failed miserably.

  • en

    Chakiris Coleman


    The Figi salad is seasoned with peppers. I don't particularly like this salad. All other items are good.

  • Arnold Opoku

    Arnold Opoku


    Just went in for salad and the ladies at the from desk was very disrespectful and rude. The salad was very awful. I will never go there or recommend anyone to this location.

  • en

    Jody Barasch


    Panoramic offers nice salads and let's you take out or add in ingredients as you like. The location is went to had the ordering option on tablet only and not in person, which I find impersonal. The salad I received included the ingredients in had omitted from my order. I did not take it back because I was hungry and in a hurry, but they should do a better job making food to order correctly or not bother giving the option.

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