Panera Bread in Glen Cove

Vereinigte StaatenPanera Bread



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1, Glen Cove Avenue, 11542, Glen Cove, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 516-671-3612
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.863641, Longitude: -73.633177

kommentare 5

  • Menatallah I Elkoush

    Menatallah I Elkoush


    While it's really cozy, has a cute fireplace, and is great for getting a quick bite, the WiFi here is not great. Any page I tried to open took quite some time and watching a video was frustrating (buffered every 25 seconds). So if you are trying to stay and use the wifi, you should probably go somewhere else if WiFi is priority. One of the managers at this particular location was complaining to one of the costumers that she did not like it when people spent a lot of time at the store to study or get work done (even though everyone who stays is a paying customer). It was unprofessional and made my friends and I very uncomfortable. We will not be going back.

  • en

    Carolyn Doyle


    I love Panera and the Glen Cove location is no exception! The interior is clean, warm and relaxing with a fireplace in the middle of the restaurant. There is also a convenient drive thru. Service is fast and friendly and the food is healthy and delicious!

  • yunon UFC

    yunon UFC


    Hi guys this is yunonfinity barbershop located at 26 glen street we do amazing haircuts so come by, anyways about the panera bread amazing and attentive customer service and the cash register guy named mike was really caring i didnt have to get up he came by and was really warming thank u guys for listening and by the way the food and drinks were always fresh so thank u panera bread...

  • N Kelly3018

    N Kelly3018


    Always love Panera Bread and the location in Glen Cove is no different! The food is great, very healthy but tasty at the same time! The location was very clean, bathroom was immaculate! Great experience.

  • Tyler Kelly

    Tyler Kelly


    Panera has always been a great place to grab a quick cafeteria style food. I had the French onion soup with a steak sandwich. I personally feel as though the soup was not the best that I've tasted. I definitely would not order it again. The steak sandwich was decent, the steak was very tender and cooked well. Be sure to make sure they read your order back to you because we got the wrong order the first time. We ordered the tortellini pasta and got tortilla soup! 😬

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