Panda Express w Burbank

Stany ZjednoczonePanda Express



🕗 godziny otwarcia

201, East Magnolia Boulevard, 91501, Burbank, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 818-559-8711
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.1831702, Longitude: -118.3122285

komentarze 5

  • Rick Lee

    Rick Lee


    Fresh but I don't understand why some Panda express put so much cabbage in the Chow Mein. This one was like 60 percent cabbage. They should call it cabbage with noodles.

  • Phillip Hernandez

    Phillip Hernandez


    Worst panda ever. Don't know If the employee was new. But we were served small portions of food for me and my wife and son. Like a child size scoop of rice and noodles and orange chicken. Spoke to someone they said they couldn't do nothing. But then when the guy was switched another he was serving everyone else big portions.

  • L Ang

    L Ang


    Easy place to buy a meal while shopping at the BURBANK Town Center. Food is good, service is fast.

  • Kim Ramsey

    Kim Ramsey


    Absolutely terrible service. Placed an order through Door Dash and the order was wrong. The Panda staff was rude and asked why couldn’t just eat the wrong order (ummm…because my son is allergic to the walnuts in the shrimp). She also said why can’t you just come down to the mall and get a new one...because we ordered online for a reason! The manager claims the order was correct and that they gave us the right food, so their staff is flat out lying. And they refused to give us new food or a refund. Absolutely unacceptable service and terrible employees. Photo shows two meals with shrimp and one should have beef.

  • Brian Holt

    Brian Holt


    Got really sick after eating at this location . I had the orange chicken an fried rice. An next day went to eat my fortune cookie an found this inside.

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