Panda Cafe i New York

Forenede StaterPanda Cafe



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83-31, Broadway, 11373, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 40.740764, Longitude: -73.8791

kommentar 5

  • Noeli Moreno

    Noeli Moreno


    Staff here is always friendly, smiling and welcoming to all customers. It’s clean, the service is fast and prices are inexpensive. It’s a cute cafe though small, can be crowded at times with kids from the nearby high school. There’s quite a few bubble tea places in the area, but this is my favorite one :) better than quickly, Kung fu tea, & Vivi bubble tea

  • en

    Leslie Munoz-Reyes


    The workers here are very courteous and attentive to us. I've been here a few times with my boyfriend now and the food and service is always great. School kids do drop by frequently, so it's best to go before or after the rush that comes with school being dismissed. It's a nice place to lounge around or pick up a snack/drink!

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    Carrie Cheng


    Great bubble tea and snacks. Highly recommended.

  • Erika barcenes

    Erika barcenes


    I love the cafe its small and welcoming. And there tea's are amazing. My favorite is Thai bubble tea. I get it all the time. Just tried there ginger milk love it.

  • en

    Silvana Bacigalupo Fernández


    Really good food. I love the teas, the hot pot? The guys that worl there are so kind. Love this place.

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