Pallotta & Rauzman en Hawthorne

Estados UnidosPallotta & Rauzman



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164, Warburton Avenue, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 973-427-4201
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.952888, Longitude: -74.155629

comentarios 5

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    Paul Sillari


    This dental practice has it all - professional, knowledgeable, friendly. You are in great hands with Dr. Pallotta & Dr. Rauzman and their amazing hygienists and office staff. You can tell that they really care about providing quality dental care and the comfort of their patients.

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    Alyssa LoPotro


    Dr. Pallotta is extremely knowledgeable and very patient! I went in with a concern I was very nervous about and she made sure to answer all of my questions and give me all of my options. She didn't pressure me into anything but rather educated me on all of my options. She spent a lot of time with me and followed up the next day exactly like she said she was going to! I have been coming here my whole life and I appreciate the warm service they provide! I would recommend this office to anyone I know, except all of my friends and family already come here!! Thank you to Dr. Pallotta and her wonderful staff!

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    AJ Santino


    I’ve beencoming here for about 5 years now. A few things stand out against the rest: 1. The place is clean and modern with a comfortable waiting room. 2. They have Cable TV all throughout the office. Its not that big of a deal for me, but with my kids, it’s a lifesaver. Disney Junior helps keep them focused while getting the cleaning. 3. The staff and Doc are amazing. Very friendly, kind and caring. Personally, I don’t see why anyone would go anywhere else. That’s all I got. Blessings

  • Sherri Caramico

    Sherri Caramico


    I have been a patient of this practice since 1970 - I HIGHLY recommend Dr's Pallotta & Rauzman - I had to have a wisdom tooth extracted today - 1. When Dr. Rauzman was done, I said that's it? Your are done? I didn't have any pain. 2. I still have had NO pain since the removal at 10am this morning ( it is 11pm ) - I have taken Advil every 4-6 hrs since then - as a precaution. 3. Dr. Rauzman himself called me after 7pm tonight to check on me and see how I was doing. I've been going to this practice since I was 9 yrs old - many many years ago - and have nothing but good things to say about them.

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    Barbara Mulvey


    I have been going to Dr. Rauzman for approximately 3 years. Before going to this office, I had been awful as far as going to the dentist. Now I go religiously every 6 months because the office is so warm and friendly. From the moment you walk in they make you feel at ease. they are very empathetic and the do wonderful work! They are very gentle and thorough.

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