Palermo's Bakery w Wyckoff

Stany ZjednoczonePalermo's Bakery



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397, Franklin Avenue, 07481, Wyckoff, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 551-209-5899
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 41.0099026, Longitude: -74.1728917

komentarze 5

  • Giana Rose

    Giana Rose


    I love this bakery! Their products are absolutely delicious and their staff is so kind and helpful!! I will definitely be coming back for more.

  • en

    Angelo Congello


    Bread was stale! the Tiamasu was not Italian or anything like Arthur Ave Bakery in the Bronx would not go back for anything and it shouldn’t be Palermo’s it should be called Jones.

  • en

    Courtney Williams


    So excited to get my wedding cake from here! They were kind and thoughtful and very easy to work with.

  • Marisol Jimenez

    Marisol Jimenez


    So my parents had there 19th anniversary the day before I wrote this post and I was kind of disappointed with the purchase I made. It was not the employees fault more so on how the establishment owner did not label their items for their customers to see. I ask the girl if she can give me a cake with vanilla and strawberry; instead of that it got mixed up and we received a vanilla chocolate fudge cake. The cake was so dry that it can be separated with very little effort and intact, showing that the cake was stale when the purchase was made, and there were large amounts of chocolate fudge, in the cake, that was over powering the flavor of the vanilla parts of the cake cake. The only reason why I put 2 stars instead of 1 is because the glazed cinnamon bun I bought with the cake was pretty good. So I paid 25$ on a stale and wrong flavor cake. Please check and label your cakes. If I every go back I hope they improve.

  • Patricia Jimenez

    Patricia Jimenez


    The cake I ordered for my parents anniversary was so bad and the wrong cake. One of the girls admitted she was new and I wanted a vanilla strawberry cake.But I got a vanilla and fudge cake. This was my first time at this bakery, and it was just bad. The cake was dry and too too sweet. Maybe I will comeback and try the other pastries but definitely don't buy the cakes on display.

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