Pacific Coast Dentist: Navneet Sekhon DDS w Bellevue

Stany ZjednoczonePacific Coast Dentist: Navneet Sekhon DDS



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12917, Southeast 38th Street, 98006, Bellevue, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 425-641-2960
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Latitude: 47.575709, Longitude: -122.1676175

komentarze 5

  • Nhi Thai

    Nhi Thai


    I went to this place last month because I was interested in the icon treatment. I was so excited to finally remove the white spots on my teeth that played a huge part in my insecurity growing up. As a Christmas gift to myself, I decided to get treatment on my 4 top front teeth. When I arrived, everyone was nice and welcoming and the treatment was fast (probably 1-1.5 hour during my whole visit). I remembered we took a before picture, but there was no after picture when the treatment was done. I can see why because immediately looking in the mirror, I was hugely disappointed by the lack of difference in my teeth. Now, I'm not the type to confront about my unhappiness or "make a fuss", so I tried to be optimistic and believed that my teeth's white spots slightly improved. Dr. Navneet reassured me that my other teeth's white spots appear more prominent now that my 4 teeth are treated, so that's why it didn't look like there was a change. I was like, ok I guess she's right. But now I'll probably have to save around a thousand dollars to treat my remaining teeth. On a side note, if your senses are sensitive like mine, you will despise the taste of the chemical after the treatment. It was disgusting and I could not get rid of the after-taste until I went home and rinsed it out with water for 10 minutes. Now that the horrid taste was gone, another issue popped up-- my 4 teeth felt rough like sandpaper when I slide my tongue across it. There were these hardened spots on my teeth from the resin (I circled it in my photo). I addressed my concern through the chat and was called in to the office the next morning so they can see my teeth in person. I think she explained that it was caused due to the way my teeth was form or the way my enamel was structured (I didn't really understand or catch what she said but it was something along the lines about my teeth), so she offered to smooth the surface by buffering it out with a tool. I agreed because I didn't get this treatment in return for sandpaper teeth-- I just wanted polished, even teeth with no white spots. Anyways, my teeth no longer felt rough and I went back home. Fast forward to today, I can say that I am one of the unlucky few who had no improvements with the icon treatment and will not be coming back for a second try at my own expense to see if it will work again. In this economy, I am not in a position to waste hundreds of my hard earned income to get an unsatisfactory result. I suggest you learn from my mistake and test it out with 1 tooth first if you're interested in removing white spots. Since I have a lot in many teeth, I'm considering on saving up to just get bonding instead.

  • Parneek Grewal

    Parneek Grewal


    Dr. Sekhon was fantastic and provided the best care I could have asked for. The clinic is super welcoming and comfortable. Dr. Sekhon and her team are compassionate, understanding, and well co-ordinated. I highly recommend going here for dental care!

  • Tim O'Brien

    Tim O'Brien


    Great dentist. I'm wary of dentists in general, but Navneet was great at explaining everything, and made the experience quick and painless. Really would recommend for anyone who's looking to understand what's happening during dental care.

  • Gary Foye

    Gary Foye


    I had another visit with Dr. Sekhon today. I’m always impressed with the service and care I receive. I would highly recommend Pacific Coast Dentist to anyone looking for a great dentist.

  • Jagpal Singh

    Jagpal Singh


    Every time I visited Pacific Coast Dentist, I found Dr. Navneet Sekhon very helpful, reassuring and professionally competent. She has always made me comfortable through counseling and consultation. I would not hesitate to recommend her strongly for all day to day dental issues

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