Pace University w New York

Stany ZjednoczonePace University


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🕗 godziny otwarcia

1, Pace Plaza, 10038, New York, New York County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 866-722-3338
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7111197, Longitude: -74.0048567

komentarze 5

  • en

    Cristina Chaves


    Pace is expensive, doesn't help the students getting internships and when the students get one on their own, Pace takes the credit. After graduating, the students don't get a job. One of their alumni just got a good job and due to she owes money, they don't give her transcripts and are retaining her title. Is not possible for Pace to help when the students really need help? It is not possible to set a plan of payments?.

  • nero crowmath

    nero crowmath


    Went to a event there it was awesome,the staff was very welcoming hope to go back soon. Reason for the 4/5 stars is beacuse the seats was small other then that great place.

  • Mr. Luppino

    Mr. Luppino


    This is a good school. However, the quality is almost identical to the CUNY school I attended before coming here that costed significantly less. Additionally, the lack of diversity (granted, because of how this is a private school) is also lacking. I am happy to be graduating from here from a grant through the NYC Department of Education for free, and in all I enjoyed my experience here.

  • Gen T

    Gen T


    My dad works here and I always love to visit the campus. He loves his job and teaching the students.

  • Yeonju Yoo

    Yeonju Yoo


    Best private school right next to Wall Street. Best business school in NY. Great connections, staffs, alumni, and peers inspire you. Nothing to say about bad things. Enough said.

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