Oyster Bay Pest Control Pros w Oyster Bay

Stany ZjednoczoneOyster Bay Pest Control Pros



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50, Audrey Avenue, 11771, Oyster Bay, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-259-2594
strona internetowej: www.oysterbaypestcontrolpros.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8732917, Longitude: -73.5315976

komentarze 5

  • en



    This is my second time getting service from them. Amazing service! I appreciate the call before getting to my home and the wonderful service he provided while in my home. The technician explained everything to me in detail and took his time to show me little modifications I can make around my home to help with the bugs not getting in my home. Thanks for keeping my home bug/roach/ant free!

  • en

    jennie perry


    This is an amazing company!!!!! They work hard and are extremely knowledgeable. They always come out quickly when I call and service with integrity. The technician is very professional and trustworthy. I am so happy to have found them.

  • en



    We have been using this company for home cleaning services for over a year. Our cleaning team is absolutely wonderful! They do an excellent job and are incredibly sweet. We trust them completely and are so thankful for their hard work. If there are ever any scheduling issues, they contact us immediately. We absolutely recommend this company!

  • en

    beatrice gary


    We called the pest control service about a long-time mouse problem and he came within an hour (on a Saturday). He noted some things a previous exterminator didn't take care of. He checked meticulously for where the problem was coming from and dealt with all the sources. Would definitely recommend!

  • en

    robin ELLIS


    The owner is super conscientious. Gets back within an hour. Reasonable and very thorough. Explained a lot about life stages of termites specific to the flying adolescent stage since there were little wings in the crawl space. The termites had eaten some of the lumber in the lower half of my house which we completely replaced however the more important thing was to get the house and lawn treated. The technician did a great job and I highly recommend his services!

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