Overstock Furniture - Funiture Inc i Copiague

Forenede StaterOverstock Furniture - Funiture Inc



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1185, Sunrise Highway, 11726, Copiague, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-608-8636
internet side: www.fillmycasa.com
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Latitude: 40.6915153, Longitude: -73.3987566

kommentar 5

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    Jennifer Salomone


    Really nice stuff and prices. Just stop repeating yourself like it's going to change my mind, that's just annoying.

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    They gave me great service and a great price on a bunk bed, dresser and mattress. I did some price shopping and these guys were the best. Delivery was smooth and on time, which never usually happens. I'll shop there again.

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    Daniel Casslasy


    Spent a few months in Long Island and I needed a mattress an inexpensive bedroom set quickly. I was taken care of very nicely and I received my set in 4 days. It was perfect and I couldnt have asked for better service! If I'm ever on the Island again I will return!

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    M Bayram


    Much to difficult if your an out of state buyer. We ordered a Disney Princess bed that was shipped promptly. Upon receipt, It was noted that one of the rails was damaged so the set was sent back. The company sent another set of rails that were also damaged. We went back and forth with pictures, emails, phone calls all to say.. "let me get back to you"... "checking into it"... "ooh yes, we are going to send a replacement set" Way to much hassle and we eventually gave up because we were tired of calling, leaving messages and chasing one person around.

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    C Cesa


    I was promised the bed in 1 week. It took 4 weeks for the bed to be delivered. I called each week to check on the status. It was amazing , each time I called Funiture to check on the status of the bed, the representative on the phone "just go off the phone with the manufacture." I was given a story of why the bed was delayed. I was never called to be updated on the status of the delivery. I called the store, 3 weeks after purchase, and was told the bed was in, but it would take another week to deliver it. There was nothing Funiture could do to deliver it earlier. On the day of delivery, the bed did not arrive. I called the store. I was informed that the delivery was on the books for the next day. The customer service is lacking and the store is not organized. I recommend that you go someplace else. It is not worth the frustration, run around, and delay.

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