Outback Steakhouse w West Nyack

Stany ZjednoczoneOutback Steakhouse



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4242, Palisades Center Drive, 10994, West Nyack, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-353-0707
strona internetowej: www.outback.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0976497, Longitude: -73.9581539

komentarze 5

  • en

    Mayra Espaillat


    very disappointed with his location and services. the floor was dirty. we got the bread way after we started eating and we had to ask for it 3 times. the waitress had an attitude and rude and unconsiderate to our requests. we ask for the check twice , when it finally was brought to us, it was only the credit card slip and no statement and not the actual receipt. we had to go and only after we got a manager the issue was resolve. but unfortunately her attitude didn't change. the manager gave us discount card for our next visit. we'll use at another location. I see now that most of the previous comments are also negative.

  • Mark Iwaasa

    Mark Iwaasa


    Visit May, 2018. Food was good, with the coconut shrimp being excellent. Docking a star for the service at this location. Food was really slow to arrive and it felt like we had to ask for everything.

  • en

    Gloria Ramirez


    We were seated at a dirty table . We complained but no one came or offered us another table. The floor was disgusting. We walked out after watching the table next to us sat at the same time get serviced as we waited for 5 minutes. Terrible management!!

  • Joel Cuello

    Joel Cuello


    Food taste reheated. Steak is horrible. Pork chops too. Wings & sides are good, other than that avoid at all cost.

  • Jose Endanattu

    Jose Endanattu


    My daughter meal was one of the first things we ordered with the drinks and appetizers. The server came and informed us they didn't have the juice she wanted but we were fine with just water for her. We got our main course but still her meal didnt come out. The server had forgotten to place her order. We placed the order again but they got that wrong. Our meals were over cooked and salty. On our check, we were charged for things that we did not order as well. The server was apologetic throughout the process and he did get my daughters meal taken off the bill.

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