Outback Steakhouse w Holbrook

Stany ZjednoczoneOutback Steakhouse



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325, Main Street, 11741, Holbrook, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-585-0404
strona internetowej: www.outback.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8110098, Longitude: -73.0776355

komentarze 5

  • Carlos AlvWilliams

    Carlos AlvWilliams


    I got the house salad and grilled asparagus. Both great! I chopped the asparagus and added it to the salad and that was delicious.

  • en

    Frank C


    Ordered steak taco lunch special with loaded mashed potatoe upgrade and a root beer, came out to $15, so pricing is very reasonable. Parking was convenient, service was great and food was delicious. I'm thinking about adding this as part of the normal lunch rotation for work.

  • en

    Richie Lucivero


    My wife and I frequently eat at outback and never had any issues. The food and service is always great. We had an incident with our meals the other night where we both got sick and when I addressed the problem to the owner he was more then happy to rectify the situation. He compensated us for our troubles and I am thankful for him to go above and beyond to satisfy us. Thank you again

  • SunnySideEgg



    Outback Steakhouse is one of my favorite restaurants to go to for a multitude of reasons. I love how the staff treats their costumers. From my visits, the manager comes around to each table to talk with costumers and thanks them for choosing to dine here. It shows that the staff sincerely cares for their customers. Other than that, the food is excellent. I'm in love with their salmon dishes, chicken dishes (most restaurants have rubbery chicken but Outback does not), coconut shrimp and their famous steaks and blooming onion. It's reasonably priced menu with a lot of selections to choose from. I seriously recommend this restaurant is you are looking for a place to have dinner at.

  • en

    Mak 103101


    Didn't have to wait for a table. Service was good. Food was good. I had a steak with a lobester tail, and it was so good. One of the bad things though is that the size of the food was small. The only thing that was a large size was the cheesecake I got for dessert which was also good. The bread was amazing, but was also a small size too. Another bad thing was that It was a bit pricey, but for my first time going there it was a good experience.

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