Our Lady of Mount Virgin i Garfield

Forenede StaterOur Lady of Mount Virgin


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188, Macarthur Avenue, 07026, Garfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 973-772-2295
internet side: www.mtvirgin.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.873463, Longitude: -74.0991099

kommentar 5

  • en

    LeeAnn Fisher


  • en

    Buffie Galifi


  • Jennifer Narciso

    Jennifer Narciso


    Great choir director Evan

  • Deisy Guayara

    Deisy Guayara


    I subscribe my 8 year old nephew here for his first communion which it's a 2 year program. After the 2 years are done and PAY for, we were told that he was to young to graduate, and that we did not bring him to other classes that he was supposed to take. "You will think that they will try to inform you in any way of this" we did not ones received a call or a letter from them. This makes me mad and sad because it's supposed to be a church and not a place of scams....

  • en

    Vincent Carabello



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