Our Lady of Lourdes Parish w West Islip

Stany ZjednoczoneOur Lady of Lourdes Parish



🕗 godziny otwarcia

455, Hunter Avenue, 11795, West Islip, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-661-3224
strona internetowej: ollchurch.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.72708, Longitude: -73.302677

komentarze 5

  • Chez Trap

    Chez Trap


    You call for an appointment with the priest because a family member died never returned a phone call but they know how to send collection envelopes to your house every month next month I put spit in it been a Roman Catholic on my life think it’s time to switch and take my daughter out of religion maybe I should’ve went there with a Fist full of hundreds

  • Carole Civile

    Carole Civile


    A loving spiritual experience that words can never describe. A welcoming Parish where I have come to know God in a special way.

  • en

    Robert Zimbalist


    great family church. great inspiring priests and a great community church

  • en



    A terrible place. I spent my whole life giving them money, and even as a child my mother still let me come here after it came out Father Mike touched kids and got away with it. But, recenetly i asked for proof of my confirmation and THEY DIDNT HAVE IT. all the money i gave them, hell i even went to catholic school and then they dare say to me "well if your not in the records then you obviously didnt get confirmed here" I have a picture with the bishop in the red gown in the front of your church... Honetly this place is an incompetant as the school and i cant wait for this place to close down. Thank for ruining my best friends sons christening with you incompetant staff and record keeping.... bet you guys still got and counted my money though

  • Slippery Snake

    Slippery Snake


    The staff is racist and the teachers dress indecently

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