Oshima Sushi w Sacramento

Stany ZjednoczoneOshima Sushi



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2071, Natomas Crossing Drive, 95834, Sacramento, Sacramento County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 916-515-1958
strona internetowej: www.thefugulounge.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.64097, Longitude: -121.5091176

komentarze 5

  • en

    Rebecca Vorn


    Enjoyed going here. Friendly atmosphere, food was good, and service was quick. I would definitely go again or recommend to a friend.

  • en

    Russ Man


    Tasty food. Quality waitstaff, friendly, prompt and courteous. This is a gem of a location hidden in an innocuous and out of the way stripmall.

  • eric poole

    eric poole


    Good enough food. About what youd expect price wise... The service was super slow. Our orders were mixed up and there was a wait even for water. The experience overall was less than stellar but i will lilely give this place another chance. Hopefully the service will be better the next time. The waitress seemed nice just not timely.

  • Gianna Da Marto

    Gianna Da Marto


    In my opinion Oshima is my favorite restaurant. One reason I like Oshima is because they have lots of options. For example Oshima has Happy Boxes and Bento Boxes so, if you don't like sushi you can still have options. Another reason is they have a lots of room. In fact they have lots of seats and tables. Most importantly it is a awesome place to go with friends and family. An example is they have lots of options, room, and delicious food. Those are the reasons I love Oshima.

  • Aaron P

    Aaron P


    My wife and I visited on a Sunday night. It was pretty quiet, and we were seated quickly. Our waiter took our order promptly, and the food arrived without much of a wait. Our waiter was very attentive, and he made a few good suggestions on which rolls to order, as this was our first time eating there. We've eaten at quite a few other sushi places in the area, and Oshima is one of the best, with comparable prices, solid fare, and friendly & attentive wait staff.

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