Orinoco Brookline Village w Brookline

Stany ZjednoczoneOrinoco Brookline Village



🕗 godziny otwarcia

22, Harvard Street, 02445, Brookline, Norfolk County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-232-9505
strona internetowej: orinocokitchen.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3338285, Longitude: -71.1190275

komentarze 5

  • Heather L

    Heather L


    Had a delicious dinner with friends. We tried lots of arepas, every one was better than the last. Empanadas were also terrific. Don't think you can go wrong here. Good flavorful food.

  • Jon Langbert

    Jon Langbert


    Shockingly good food - every appetizer and entree was unique and delicious. Service was not the fastest, but very friendly. Uncomfortable seating. We’ll definitely be back, bringing a cushion to sit on.

  • Charles Gobert

    Charles Gobert


    For what you get here the main dishes are at a great value! I got the Chuleta and the pork tasted great! The orange taste mixed very well with the pork and really made the spices pop out more. The service was quite good too.

  • Per Sveen

    Per Sveen


    What a terrific place, we are so glad we found it. The staff is really accommodating and friendly and the ambiance is great. We didn’t have to wait long for our food and it was absolutely scrumptious. I would definitely recommend this spot if you’re in the Brookline area.

  • Cassandra Macias (Cass)

    Cassandra Macias (Cass)


    We had an amazing time at Orinoco! It was a Saturday night, they were short-staffed and slammed, and they did an amazing job. We waited probably 20-25 minutes and got to take in the decor. Great vibe, lovely details around to see. I loved seeing all the different textures between the walls and the ceilings. And the lighting is perfect and beautiful. The drinks were balanced and refreshing, we each got a cocktail. The Lulo was our favorite for sure. The food was absolutely delicious. We ordered the bacon wrapped dates, plantains, and some empanadas. Absolutely delicious, all of it. Then I ordered some arepas and WOW were they tasty.. with this garlicky sauce on the side. And I will say, the food was extremely timely and cooked very well. I would absolutely go back!

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