Оранж Арборетум i Montgomery

Forenede StaterОранж Арборетум


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211, New York 416, 12549, Montgomery, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-615-3828
internet side: orangecountyarboretum.org
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Latitude: 41.4823453, Longitude: -74.2654338

kommentar 5

  • en

    donna armstrong


    Love this place! Perfect for a morning stroll or to decompress after a long day. Always beautiful

  • Kelli Kavanaugh

    Kelli Kavanaugh


    This is a wonderful place to visit. Don't let the gate deter you- it's for keeping the deer out, not people. Just pull up and the gate will open. It's a great place to have a picnic, just sit or stroll on a nice day. There also public bathrooms.

  • Laurel Ann

    Laurel Ann


    We LOVE this place. We have been taking our son there for about 5 years now and it's one of his favorite spots to walk around. The gardens are spectacular and you don't want to miss the annual plant sale in May.

  • en

    Sue Sharko


    Orange County Arboretum is a labor of love by the garden clubs of Orange County and a dedicated Horticulturists who want to share a beautiful outdoor environment.

  • en

    Karen Struble


    What a beautiful day to visit the Arboretum. Annual Plant sale starts tomorrow. I will be here again. Bringing friends and loved ones.

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