Optical Expressions - Willo District w Phoenix

Stany ZjednoczoneOptical Expressions - Willo District



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112, West McDowell Road, 85003, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 602-254-3169
strona internetowej: www.opticalexpressionsaz.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.466077, Longitude: -112.076554

komentarze 5

  • en

    Breanne Anderson


    *Update: The prescription really was that much better. I’ve actually been able to wear my contacts. Dr Wilken is awesome! ** I had my first appointment 3 weeks ago today, and I was SO excited about it because of all the positive reviews. I’ve had glasses for years, and I attempted to switch to contacts about a year ago, but they made my eyes so watery I felt like I could see better without anything. Dr. Erika Wilken was AWESOME, she listened to all of my concerns and I believe that this prescription would have been so much better than last time. But that’s just it. It’s been 3 weeks and I still haven’t been able to try out the new contacts. I was told they would be ready to pick up in 3-5 Days. After a week, I called, and was told there was some sort of delay and they would follow up with the company. A few days later I called and was told the same thing, and a few days later the same thing. Today I called planning on asking for a refund so that I could go get an examination elsewhere and likely get new contacts before anyone followed up with the contact company. I was told that my contacts had arrived today and that they had left a message this morning. I never received a message. When I confirmed my phone number they had the last 2 digits mixed up even though I’d confirmed my number before I left the first appointment. I totally understand that the contact company delayed the order, but the lack of communication made it go from annoying to unacceptable. Additionally at the end of my first visit I wasn’t thrilled with the customer service provided by the staff.

  • Debra Thomas

    Debra Thomas


    I have been going here for several years. Have always had great care.

  • Celestina Cisneros

    Celestina Cisneros


    Front desk was polite, the actual check up itself wasn't that great. A very average experience. I haven't had a check up in a while and I felt she really rushed through everything. I don't think it was a thorough as it could've been. Frame selection also isn't very big. I did see some frames that I might like in another color and they were ordered so I can check them out at a later date. The man helping me choose frames was very helpful and polite. I'm still thinking about ordering frames from here but I'll probably get another check up elsewhere first.

  • Battina Collard

    Battina Collard


    It seems contact manufacturers no longer make enhancer lenses. After extensive research on behalf of the optometrist and staff we were able to locate exactly what I wanted! I also had new lenses replaced with gradient tint on a total of 3 frames. The frames were not purchased here, but were still accepted and lenses were replaced. I love them and appreciate the friendly helpful staff!

  • Beautiful Doll

    Beautiful Doll


    This place is great! All the ladies were so nice and had outstanding customer service. I plan to go back in a couple months to purchase another pair of prescription glasses. I highly recommend this place 💯😃 the frames are all name brand and fabulous

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