One Hour Pest Control w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneOne Hour Pest Control



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643, East 11th Street, 10009, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-568-7150
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7268908, Longitude: -73.9775009

komentarze 4

  • Max Mogil

    Max Mogil


    One Hour Pest Control- "The ghostbusters of Pest Control" Don't let the service fee scare you away, it's worth every dollar. I found them on yelp and called directly instead of filling out a quote form. Within 5 minutes, I had a confirmed appointment for 7pm on a Sunday. I was sent an email confirmation with the name and number of the technician that would be servicing my unit. Tech arrived on schedule and was very nice as was his partner. They briefly explained the solution to my mouse issue and got right to work. I was fully aware of the total cost of the services before they plugged up the holes (Junction boxes and area behind stove etc). They were very aware of any mess they may create and cleaned up before they left. Jimmy and Ali both recommended I check in 2 weeks after the service to make sure the issues had been resolved. Last, for what it's worth, I had them look at the rest of the building and they gave me an evaluation and quote for the entire building to be protected. In the end, I shelled out over $500 bucks to fix my rodent issue- Sure, I could have gone crazy at the local dollar pizza shop, but I'd still have mice to share it with. Bottom Line: You get what you pay for and 1hr pest control is worth it. We also had two guys with fantastic Brooklyn accents which made my wife love them.

  • Erick Cortez

    Erick Cortez


    Great team great service great support and commitment Thank you guys

  • en

    Sam D


    Amazing!!!! The guys that came were super professional. Dispatch was quick and the techs came right on time. Frank is THEE BEST!! so kind and just makes me want to do more business. They got the squirrel out of my apartment and I can't sleep better now!! Thank you guys!!




    The best pest control experience ever, I was really worried never having bed bugs in my life. They came in totally professional and discrete, they found the nest gave me some tips to keep up the maintenance which was basic cleaning 101. Its been two months later and haven't seen any since. Thank you One Hour Pest Control for making this as pleasant as possible. I will be recommending anyone I know who have pest problems to use you

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