Олл Ин 1 Моторс w North Bergen

Stany ZjednoczoneОлл Ин 1 Моторс



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1507, John Fitzgerald Kennedy Boulevard, 07047, North Bergen, Hudson County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-866-0577
strona internetowej: allin1motors.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.764202, Longitude: -74.042449

komentarze 5

  • en

    C A Foxtrot


    Traveled from out of state to buy a vehicle from Mark Gonzales, Asked specifically if it had any structural rust or if it had any leaks. Was told no to both. After paying TOP value for it, brought it home and had it looked at by my local Tire Discounters shop. (been using this shop for 4 years and trust them completely) Was told it actually had both issues. The rust was even painted over in a possible attempt to hide the damage. Now I have an ALMOST 2k dollar repair bill on top of a vehicle according to the state tax department I overpaid for. I paid a premium price for a vehicle that was supposed to have no issues other than some surface rust or cosmetic issues. I was LIED to by this dealership and they refused to assist with anything when I contacted them about the issues. I was called a liar and was told the shop was lying to me. I HIGHLY advise having ANY vehicle you look at here closely inspected by an outside mechanic. In regards to the dealerships response below. My statement included facts not opinions. The 6 month warranty does nothing to fix the issues that it has. Was not given the choice to upgrade to the warranty that would and you knew that to do that, it had to be done when purchased. I with out a doubt over paid. It has both structural rust issues and a leak. You lied and told me it had neither when it did. Fact! I flew in and paid more than it was worth after trying to talk you down to what it was worth and you refused to sell it for the price it was worth. Come to find out WAY OVER the price it's worth.

  • en

    Mark Ruberto


    Mark took care if me with an easy sale. Every place haggled me but he made sure we had a fair deal for both parties. Take your business here. You are treated with respect. Which is rare in this business.

  • en

    Omar Castillo


    Great experience buying our car! Mark helped us through the entire process of deciding which car would be the best fit for our family. He listened to our needs and was extremely helpful the whole time. Thanks again!

  • en

    Norine McIntyre


    Stress free car purchase ! After finding the truck we were looking for on line at All in 1 Motors we drove an hour and a half to look at it. We had spoken with Mark on the phone and we were met by his father Luis when we arrived. They showed us the truck, let us "kick the tires", we took a test drive, came back to the office with Mark and bought the truck. Simple as that... IMO, they have quality vehicles with fair pricing. Family owned and operated, with excellent customer service. They have been doing the right thing for 40+ years, would not hesitate to buy from All in 1 Motors again.

  • Lisa Redmond

    Lisa Redmond


    Walked in knowing what SUV I was looking for and was received with courtesy, honesty and professional service. Drove home with the SUV I went to check out and there were no hidden fees or contracts (warranties were straight with purchase). Love that it is a family business and they like dogs. Swap and purchase all went well. Highly recommend 👍

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