Olives Bistro w Burbank

Stany ZjednoczoneOlives Bistro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2011, West Olive Avenue, 91506, Burbank, Los Angeles County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 818-806-1222
strona internetowej: olivesburbank.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.1650868, Longitude: -118.3256205

komentarze 5

  • L S

    L S


    Worst experience!!Read a lot of good reviews about this place so my family and I decided to try it out when we were in town. Server was very friendly but the food was nasty 🤮. I ordered the shrimp pesto & o stopped after the first bite. The shrimp smelled so bad and tasted rotten and the juice from shrimp went into the pesto pasta and the whole dish tasted and smelled like it. Immediately went to bathroom and throw it right back out. Not recommended at all unless you’re looking for food poisoning.

  • John Hirlinger

    John Hirlinger


    Overall pretty decent. I wish the salmon had been a bit less cooked, and the rice and veggies were pretty basic but not bad. I think it’s a bit pricey for what it is but the Ahi crostini appetizer was actually really good and tasty. Service and greeting was nice and attentive. We came to study as well and they didn’t rush us away.

  • Tamela King

    Tamela King


    I've been here a few times now and I highly recommend this place! Besides the food being delicious and I keep trying new things, the staff is incredibly friendly and overall awesome! Dennis makes fabulous drinks and always willing to offer a suggestion when I'm not sure what to get. All the staff are very personable and they make you feel welcome and are all excellent! I love this place and highly recommend it. Also, the customers are super nice, some appear to be regulars. It's just a really nice place to stop for food or drink! I'm glad I discovered it!

  • Rio Enriquez (Kaimaka)

    Rio Enriquez (Kaimaka)


    This is a very underrated restaurant. Most of the food that we got was really good. The service was great, even though it seems that there is only one guy working. Price is fair with the amount of food that you get. The only thing that is not 100% was the chicken picatta, sauce was more fettuccine and not a strong lemon/garlic flavor. Will surely come back again

  • lor



    we stopped in for dinner tonight on a whim and we had some delicious burgers! the restaurant is attached to a hotel and is seat yourself. our waitress was friendly and the food came out fairly quick. atmosphere was a little lack luster but overall the food was great!

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