Olde Magoun's Saloon w Somerville

Stany ZjednoczoneOlde Magoun's Saloon



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518, Medford Street, 02145, Somerville, Middlesex County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 617-776-2600
strona internetowej: www.magounssaloon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 42.3966863, Longitude: -71.1040343

komentarze 5

  • Hugo Smoter

    Hugo Smoter


    Great beer selection. Food is quite good for pub fare. Reasonably priced

  • Sam Atwood

    Sam Atwood


    This place is nice. Great beer selection. Very tasty food. Decent atmosphere.

  • Andrew French

    Andrew French


    Generally, my only complaint about this place is that it's usually crowded and noisy...like "I'm having trouble speaking to my server" noisy. Beyond that, I love this place. The food is great, they often have cool events, and they do some kind of themed menu every Wednesday night. Really a very fun place to eat.

  • Casi Kruzewski

    Casi Kruzewski


    I've been going there for years, and I don't have a single complaint! Quite the opposite. Everyone that works there is super chill and accommodating. Also, I've never been disappointed with the food. My favorites are the soft pretzels, and pulled pork nachos.

  • Brian Grady

    Brian Grady


    This was my go-to hangout when I lived in the area. They have NFL ticket (which is great for us who may not follow the local football team) and they also show European soccer in the AM and into the afternoon. Not many places have that combination and I loved it. They also are one of the few bars around that keep a selection of excellent German beer staples as well as local and national craft brews. Brunch is their sweet spot food wise. That is good but the other food never left a strong impression. The best part is its retained a nice neighborhood and local scene in an area that is quickly losing its distinctive flavor.

najbliższy Bar

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