Old Town Pharmacy w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneOld Town Pharmacy



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1250, Hylan Boulevard, 10305, Richmond County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-815-2600
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5971993, Longitude: -74.0842897

komentarze 5

  • Brenda Rivera

    Brenda Rivera


  • Alexander Pusachev

    Alexander Pusachev


  • vlad urbanskiy

    vlad urbanskiy


    Great Pharmacy, Staff is very friendly and very knowledgeable. I really enjoyed my experience here. There is never a long wait time usually you end up walking around or looking at some of the little things and gifts they sell. They make great gift baskets prices are very good and the owner Inna goes beyond and above to help out.. Thank you Inna and Anthony

  • New York City Consignment Inc.

    New York City Consignment Inc.


    I Travel all the way from manhattan to this Gem because they carry Creed Perfume for an awesome price. I got such beautiful gift baskets made for my mother in-law and my husband! They are the only Pharmacy in staten island that carry Natural handmade soap! I highly recommend this pharmacy for everything !!

  • Richie LHP

    Richie LHP


    The Nicest and most professional girls I have ever dealt with in a Pharmacy, They have a Nice store. Besides the pharmacy There's alot of other things to buy for someone if your looking to put a smile on a loved ones face when you come home.And To Top it Off Nicole and Lisa Make the Best Rainbow Cookies I have ever Tasted I'm 100% Sicilian and I been eating rainbow cookies since I can remember and These are by far the best! And Every Girl that works there is stunningly Beautiful!! Love you Girls! Richie Vitale

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