Oke Poke w Brea

Stany ZjednoczoneOke Poke



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2500, East Imperial Highway, 92821, Brea, Orange County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 714-672-0862
strona internetowej: www.okepoke.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.9098019, Longitude: -117.8646175

komentarze 5

  • Riley McDougall

    Riley McDougall


    I love poke places, so I tried here and this is definitely one of these best around. Now a days so many establishments are so similar in taste that you can't really go wrong. But what mainly causes people to come back is the customer service, and this place is a great example of that. While I was ordering, another customer came back on die to an online order confusion and staff helping him (most likely the manager, if not he certainly should be promoted to one) was able to take my order as well as help this other customer fix his order simultaneously while maintaining a great attitude the whole time. I was amazed by his care, customer service, and pride in his work. I really wish I had gotten his name. And on top of all that, the food was delicious! Definitely can't wait to go back.

  • Rachael Nolan

    Rachael Nolan


    So so so good! Staff is friendly and very helpful. Food is fresh and tons of choices. Super decent prices as well. Highly recommend 👌🏻

  • Lacey Willner

    Lacey Willner


    The fish is fresh. I think the toppings were a bit lacking compared to other poke restaurants. The sauces were mostly mayo based which I'm not a fan of. I wish they had a citrus sauce like pokeology. The machine they use to make the poke burrito would be super cool if it actually worked. Over all it was good but not great.

  • Grant Arikawa

    Grant Arikawa


    Its a nice, clean little poke shop with great food.

  • Jasmin Rodriguez

    Jasmin Rodriguez


    Nice and clean place. Very attentive staff and quite honestly the freshest poke I've ever had. Definitely try!

najbliższy Restauracja

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