Ogun Art + Wine w Houston

Stany ZjednoczoneOgun Art + Wine



🕗 godziny otwarcia

920, Studemont Street, 77007, Houston, Harris County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 281-501-1788
strona internetowej: www.ogunartwine.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 29.767765, Longitude: -95.391671

komentarze 5

  • Heather Shuttleworth

    Heather Shuttleworth


    This is fun and funky place and from the outside you'd never know it. When you walk in you're warmly welcomed by the colorful art and eclectic atmosphere. Music has a nice beat, but not the standard top 40 and the unusual art has a tribal flare. the beverages and appetizers were tasty. Would definitely return to hang out with friends for drinks.

  • en

    Shannon Stokes


    Great selections at reasonable prices. The food is tasty and the art is fantastic. I highly reccomend.

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    stephanie pelikan


    Fantastic wine in a great environment!! Johnathan is a great bartender and always recommends the perfect drink. I definitely recommend checking this place out! There are TVs for sports as well

  • Shirley Laneaut

    Shirley Laneaut


    One of my favorite places to wine down and relax in Houston! The food is amazing and the bartender always greets me with my favorite drink. The owner is very friendly and has genuine conversations with his patrons. Definitely a great spot to visit!

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    Jessica Maalouf


    This is a quaint place to grab a bite to eat and drink wine. I like the atmosphere-not too overly anything- just right. The server was excellent in assisting me in wine choices. Great place for a first date or to catch up with friends.

najbliższy Galeria Sztuki

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