Office of Senator Simcha Felder i New York

Forenede StaterOffice of Senator Simcha Felder


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1412 Avenue J, 2E, Brooklyn, NY 11230, США
kontakter telefon: +1 718-253-2015
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Latitude: 40.6250217, Longitude: -73.9618855

kommentar 5

  • en

    izy good


    I'm proud to support Senator Simcha Felder for the fact that he is THE FIRST POLITICIAN that I know and have known for many years that is true to his word, he has only promised that he will do what's best for his constituents and so he did, and as of my knowledge he is of the highest rated participant in all the Senate meeting in Albany at all times of the year including on days his Holidays have started, he is liked and loved by all constituents including most Democrats in his district besides of those few who seek to send him home due to him not doing what's wrong and stealing of the peoples money like MANY POLITICIANS DO, including THE DEMOCRAT PARTY POLITICIANS. WE TRULY NEED AND DESERVE POLITICIANS LIKE SENATOR SIMCHA FELDER AND ONLY PEOPLE LIKE HIM NEED TO BE IN OUR GOVERMANT OFFICES, there would be less headaches and much greater joy and happiness and more wealth and health to all of us.

  • Yossi Schlussel

    Yossi Schlussel


    Senator Simcha Felder is the greatest man in Albany. He's there going all out on behalf of his constituents, with a clear mind strong principles and moral he's fighting for religious liberty for all. He has a great track record of successful accomplishments. In the tricky line of politics he stands tall and strong, and is willing to go all out on behalf of each individual reaching out to him. We can only hope and wish to have many more elected officials like him. We [his constituents] are very happy and proud of his work, effort and tremendous success rate. He has all of our full support.

  • Nachman Mostofsky

    Nachman Mostofsky


    Senator Felder is a wonderful public servant. His honesty and compassion is something to admire, especially today, with the state of NY politics. He is a strong advocate of his community, and his office is always responsive to those in need.

  • Michael Fragin

    Michael Fragin


    There is no better public servant in New York than Senator Felder. Truly a man of the people

  • en

    aaron mostofsky


    A true Democrat that isn't afraid of his shadow and ( suprise suprise) nor sleeping with your wife maybe shniederman Spitzer and wiener (and others) should've followed his footsteps

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