Office Depot w Atlanta

Stany ZjednoczoneOffice Depot



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2915, North Druid Hills Road Northeast, 30329, Atlanta, DeKalb County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 404-329-8511
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8156261, Longitude: -84.3124064

komentarze 5

  • en

    Pamela B.


    This place is convenient, but kind of weird. Super quiet, customer service could improve..

  • Zohra Ukani

    Zohra Ukani


    Highly disappointed with this location and the business. The associates did not offer to help me despite the fact that I stood there for several minutes. I finally asked someone to help and without being clear, he pointed to the station I could print from. I had to keep asking for his attention for further instructions. When it came time to check out with my items, the cashier did not know the pricing of the items. She overcharged all of my products. I had to correct her errors. I will not be bringing my business here again.

  • Mike Trevino

    Mike Trevino


    High prices on everyday office supplies (e.g. printer paper, notebooks, binders).

  • Michael C Forshee

    Michael C Forshee


    This is my favorite location. I love the customer service

  • Alex Kahn

    Alex Kahn


    It's a similar expierence to going to your grandma's house. You feel horrible looking at the once clean interior and remember fondly the days where they turned on all the lights in the store and had a productive and outgoing staff. Then you get the 30 dollars of paper you need and promise the manager you will be back soon, knowing you won't.

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