Octapharma Plasma w Fort Worth

Stany ZjednoczoneOctapharma Plasma



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4085, East Lancaster Avenue, 76103, Fort Worth, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 817-531-3100
strona internetowej: www.octapharmaplasma.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 32.7412251, Longitude: -97.2638418

komentarze 5

  • Steven Price

    Steven Price


    First the lady didn't stick me right and i no flowed. Then no one would help me and I bled everywhere. I was bleeding for God knows how long until I called and asked for a manager and someone helped me.

  • Seth Cormier

    Seth Cormier


    The staff tries to be as friendly and professional as possible, it is understaffed, the other donors create a huge problem and those ones usually get taken care of first. This creates a problem for other donors just going with the flow trying to be helpful, because it added a 45 minutes to the total time it took me to donate.

  • en

    Belinda Sanders


    Way understaffed and need to hire more people. It's a all day thing anymore. I use to come here 3 years ago and it was much better then it is now. It take u 30 min to get stuck and when u are done it takes another 30 min to get taken off. And now the scale"s are wrong. Wish they would do a better job.well was there today 4/17 and it took them almost a hour to stick me. Man I don't know what is going on with this place anymore. And my husband hates having to come here after work cause the line is way to long.

  • Jenna Christy

    Jenna Christy


    My husband and I went here bc we needed the money. My husband's first time there they blew his vein, blood everywhere. My second time there they couldn't find my vein and they were just poking around blindly. Blood started oozing out of my arm, they barely wiped me off then left most of the blood. My husband and I's 4th time there they said we would only get $25, when it should have been $50. We both waited over an hour waiting to get poked, someone finally pokes him and they blow his vein again. He got up and left, and I left as well. I watched a girl next to me get poked and she was finished with her donation 20 minutes before I walked out.

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    Aaron Woolf


    Give 0 stars if I could. If you are curious about this place then turn the other way. They have by far the worst plasma staff, lazy, very unorganized and disrespectful. They also love to cherry pick their people. I got deferred cause i was seated for like 2 hours before anyone even acknowledged me all while the people around me were getting hooked up and stuff. Yet knowing i was ready to go they acted like i was not supposed to be there. when i got up and questioned their staff on why i am the only one not getting hooked up I get deferred for life there. All cause of one lie, some girl there took t upon herself to lie about me threatening her just so she could get out of handling a problem she initiated by literally ignoring me and giving me no help. Might've cussed her out and questioned her work ethic but I DID NOT THREATEN her. Not to mention it seemed like you had to hunt down the money you were owed. Do not go to this place to donate if possible, you will immediately regret it.

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