O'Connors Carpet Center w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneO'Connors Carpet Center



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3446, East Tremont Avenue, 10465, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-409-2020
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.832084, Longitude: -73.827875

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sean O'Connor


  • annavas



    I was looking to support a local business and after reading reviews on O'Connors, I decided to give them a try. When I called requesting an in-home measurement, they notified me that I would first have to come in and pick out the carpet. Okay, no problem. I came into the store the next day. Walking in as a young female homeowner looking for carpet suitable to rent my place out, I felt as though I wasn't taken seriously. It didn't bother me much. I continued, and was guaranteed someone would be out to measure on a certain date. On said day, when no one had showed up 30 minutes after my quoted time, I decided to call. The gentleman on the phone asked "Who are you?" I explained I was in and promised a measurement about 30 minutes ago. He said he would be there shortly. He measured, and said once I drop off the deposit, they can schedule installation. I went in the next day and scheduled installation for a day or two later. Upon installation, the gentleman doing the work was very nice, however after he finished, he notified me that the old carpet was to be put on the curb, they do not do removal of old carpets. And all of the stray pieces of carpet shedding were not picked up by them. They had no vacuum or way of cleaning up after themselves. Once he left, I noticed many areas where the carpet was not secured down, or loose. In the closets, there were no fasteners/secure brackets to be found. I wasn't given the option, but when I mentioned they were missing, I was simply told "most people don't want that". I feel as though I should have been asked. I'm overall happy with the carpets, but disappointed with the customer service, and wish I had shopped around more.

  • ROI Investment PHL LLC

    ROI Investment PHL LLC


    Not so great customer service over the phone. The lady that answered was very kind but she had to pass me to the installer for a simple question. The person was rude and rushed.. didn't feel like they wanted my business. Using someone else.

  • en

    Jacob Blackmont


    Quality carpet at a great price. Professional Staff with knowledge. Would recommend

  • en

    Jodi Meissner


    O'Connors Carpet Center was a joy to work with. Their expertise and knowledge of their products was very helpful in our decision for carpet. Our carpet is beautiful. Installation was awesome and the installers were very helpful. I would recommend O'Connors Carpet Center to anyone looking to purchase carpet for their home.

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