Oceanside Wellness Center w Oceanside

Stany ZjednoczoneOceanside Wellness Center



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3218, Long Beach Road, 11572, Oceanside, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-255-0272
strona internetowej: www.oceansidewellnesscenter.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.63337, Longitude: -73.64109

komentarze 5

  • en

    Susan McCombs


    Dr Weiner and his staff are very friendly and helpful. I have had knee pain for many years and was thinking about knee replacement. I read about a laser therapy treatment he offers. After a couple of treatments I could feel a noticeable improvement. As of today after my knee feels 95% better. Thank you

  • Sadia Mendez

    Sadia Mendez


    Dr. Weiner and his staff are wonderful. From the start, they made my mom and me feel comfortable and sure that this was the right place to bring my mom to treat her pain. Definitely worth the long drive from the Bronx.

  • en

    Donald Rivas


    Dr. Weiner is an excellent doctor. He has helped with my neuropathy. The staff are also kind and courteous.

  • en

    Naomi Rosenblum


    Dr. Weiner is fabulous. If I have any shoulder or neck pain I know that I will feel better after leaving his office. It's always reassuring to know you have a great doctor you can depend on. Jessica and Jackie in the front office are great. They are always warm, friendly and accommodating.

  • en

    Gabriella Marion


    Oceanside Wellness is truly a One-Stop shopping for getting healthy, fixing pains, curing issues, losing weight and overall a happy place. Dr. Lee cured my husband from neuropathy who was unable to walk prior to Dr. Lee fixing him, my daughter's back has been helped, she has constant back issues and Dr. Lee helps her back, for me I was very heavy and now I'm skinny mini thanks to the help and the support and the constant friendship at Dr. Lee's office. I recommend the office at least once a day to people I come across and speak to

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