NY Hair & Colour Salon w Poughkeepsie

Stany ZjednoczoneNY Hair & Colour Salon



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10, Lagrange Avenue, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-454-2977
strona internetowej: www.nyhairandcolour.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.6926333, Longitude: -73.8999295

komentarze 5

  • en

    Christine Driessen


    Kenny is amazing--a magician with hair! He is the first hairdresser I have ever had who is able to cut short hair without destroying it or cutting it too short! His cuts are so flattering--a work of art! He takes so much time with coloring to correct mistakes other hairdressers (or we ourselves!) have made in coloring our hair! He recognizes each person's unique needs and is able to address them in a way that brings out the best in that person! What a find! If I lived in Manhattan, I would make the trip out here just to have him do my hair!

  • en

    Gwendolyn Alma


    Just in for my bi-annual Keratin treatment. Came out perfect as usual. Ready for my Caribbean cruise with frizz-free hair! I Highly recommend New York hair.

  • en

    Jaime Lolkema


    If you are looking for an experienced hairstylist who will give you a fabulous haircut then Kenny is your guy! Kenny has been cutting my hair for almost twenty years now. He always takes the time to find out what I am looking to do with my hair and then adds his expertise to give me the perfect cut. Both my daughters (ages 12 & 10) also get their hair cut by Kenny. To quote them "You can trust Kenny. He will be always give you a great haircut."

  • Susan Schlenger

    Susan Schlenger


    I just posted a photo of the superb color work done today by Kenny Spadaro. I have had consistently great color (and great blow-outs/styling by Brittany) since beginning to use these folks. Their pricing is very reasonable (especially considering the price for other salons with less talent) and Kenny's upbeat personality makes for a very pleasant experience. I've seen a few unhappy reviewers on this page, and I think that much misery could be avoided with honesty and good communication. Kenny has been around long enough to see most styles, but cannot read minds. As well, he can do wonders with hair, but cannot change your cheekbones. Sometimes we have to admit our flaws and acknowledge that few of us can wear what Demi Moore can pull off. I recommend that you give this salon a try, and bring photos which actually resemble the shape of your face. I believe that you will be happy with the results, if you clearly ask for what you want, and are reasonable about what is possible. 😉 Love you guys-thanks for the great hair!!

  • en

    Laura V


    I love coming to this salon 😀 My hair always ends up looking fabulous, and I get great service and advice on home hair care and styling.

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