Нью-Йоркская публичная библиотека w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneНью-Йоркская публичная библиотека



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200 Clarke Avenue Staten Island, NY 10306, Staten Island, NY 10306, США
kontakt telefon: +1 718-668-0413
strona internetowej: www.nypl.org
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.5665074, Longitude: -74.1384473

komentarze 5

  • Kirk Colon

    Kirk Colon


    this building is so much bigger and nicer than the others. There was plenty of space and the lighting was great! Everybody was so friendly I will definitely come back again

  • en

    Jennifer C


    Terrible customer service here. Took out a book for a research paper I have to write since I am a college student. Got a notice the book was a month late, my schedule is crazy because I work and I am a full-time college student so I have not been able to return it since their hours barely match when I am not working or in class. Spoke to a woman on the phone I asked if they could work with me on the fine I had to pay since the book brand new online is $14.00 and they were charging me a $12.00 month late fee fine. Really? $12.00? They said it would be $28.00 to buy it and I said well that's insane since its $14.00 brand new online. I said I have the book I am returning it tonight it is in pristine condition, could they work with me on that fine? A bit ridiculous of them to charge that type of fine for a little over a month late back. Thats the cost to buy the book and they are charging double to replace it? Rip off robbery. I walk in I have my student ID ready and they say "No you have to pay the $12.00 and discounts were at a time only for high school students and that is not even offered anymore." I paid my fine and left. This place is disgusting. Rude staff and dismissive. Library fines were never like this back in the day, I guess this is how they treat people to make a quick buck.

  • Samuel Kaufman

    Samuel Kaufman


    It's alright but it has few books. Great Russian selection though.

  • en

    lisa shi


    I love libraries and this one is no exception. Two floors, children books upstairs, and lots of seating for reading. There is a large selection of books and is usually pretty empty, so there's no pressure to grab and go. The only problem is the staff, especially the ones scanning books. They seem very disinterested and almost annoyed at their jobs and the patrons. It's rather odd, considering the book restockers (who need to stay on their feet reorganizing shelves) are almost always cheery and ready to help.

  • en

    Think Big


    Nice library. Quiet. Spacious. AC kept the place cool in the hot, humid weather. Parking lot makes for easy parking. BUT the staff were not at all welcoming. One young woman, especially, looked very bothered when I came in. They all seemed to want to avoid any eye contact. Not at all approachable to ask any questions. Normally I wouldn't care-- I don't go for people to be nice, but it was so blatantly obvious and bit surprising. I visit so many different libraries and the staff are always so nice and welcoming and wanting to be helpful. Such a nice library, too bad the people who work there aren't as pleasant.

najbliższy Biblioteka

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