NTB-National Tire & Battery w Alexandria

Stany ZjednoczoneNTB-National Tire & Battery



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2800, Jefferson Davis Highway, 22301, Alexandria, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 703-549-8473
strona internetowej: www.ntb.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.8312355, Longitude: -77.0515582

komentarze 5

  • en

    Grady G Carter


    Friendly and attentive service. They had great advice and even cut me a nice discount. After I ordered the tries, the sales guy noticed that the front and backs didn't match. He upgraded the backs to match the front and then didn't charge me the difference. Saved me $40! I appreciate the honesty instead of just slapping them on and hoping I never noticed. They earned a repeat customer.

  • Marsha Wallace

    Marsha Wallace


    Took 2 hrs for oil change with an appointment. Based on the number of people in the waiting room they weren't busy. Everybody was very nice. The restrooms a little dirty and there was no soap in the dispenser. The price is good and they do rotate your tires as part of the oil change

  • en

    bob carts


    Pretty simple story, Made appointment for oil change at 2pm. Still waiting at 5:20 pm. Obviously NTB management has failed somewhere along the way. Don't waste your time with this substandard operation. I can only imagine the quality of the work! EeeeK. Not our first problem with NTB. On a positive note, the poor guy stuck in the shop was polite (Richie?). Management should get the credit for this screw up and not having sufficient staff. Again, there are better places to get your car serviced. Don''t fall for the $20 oil change. It will cost you several hundred dollars in time.

  • F Elix

    F Elix


    NTB Staff was very Friendly, Helpful and Courteous. BUT, Service Could Be Better if the Wait for Battery Sales/Service was Faster. It shouldn't be a Hassel to just Install and Replace a Battery. They should have Faster Service for People who just needs to Replace a Battery without having to wait for a Long Period of Time... Like AUTOZONE down the road on Mt.Vernon with a 15minute Battery Purchase & Free Install !!! I Went in Today to Replace a Battery, But they were going to charge me $40+ to Test and Check out My Battery that was still under the 5yrs Warranty. They would only Replace the Battery if it was within 3yrs from the Purchase Date. I didn't want to wait for God Knows how long. So, I Purchased the New Battery and was going to try and Install it myself. However, I didn't have the wrench/socket to install the Battery myself. I asked the Female Mechanic in the lobby area to help. She Tried to Help but she didn't have the right size socket wrench after 2 separate attempts. So I Drove down the road to AUTOZONE on Mt.Vernon and ended up Purchasing their Battery for around the same Price with an Immediate Free Install. Went Back & Returned the NTB Battery!!! Unfortunate for NTB Business. I'm pretty sure they could be Making a Lot more Money on Battery Sales given their Prime Visible Location on Route1.

  • William Hicks III

    William Hicks III


    This location was very clean, except for the lavatory. The customer lounge could also use some attention. Small issues at best. The staff was very accommodating, courteous and thorough. I will recommend this location to others.

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