Not Just Coffee w Charlotte

Stany ZjednoczoneNot Just Coffee



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2230, Park Road, 28203, Charlotte, Mecklenburg County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 704-900-7500
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.1990362, Longitude: -80.852076

komentarze 5

  • en

    Simon Spence


    Love the coffee and the great service. The avocado toast is a great breakfast item. Also fun for drinks after evening yoga at yoga one

  • Melanie Pepe

    Melanie Pepe


    I loved it here! The barista was sweet and helped me find a non-dairy syrup to go with my iced coffee - I ended up having an Iced Oat Latte with Vanilla Sugar Syrup. It was so incredibly delicious! Probably the best iced coffee I’ve had in Charlotte! We will be back soon!

  • en

    Caroline R


    Not Just Coffee is my absolute favorite place to go in the mornings. Especially this location. It always has amazing scone choices, drinks are always made consistently, and service is both friendly, thoughtful, and quick. I haven’t been disappointed with a food or drink selection, yet. The menu is very impressive!!

  • Heather



    Such a trendy new coffee outfit with not just coffee (!) but so much more! They have cocktails and a food menu as well. The atmosphere is chill - you can go in and have something to eat or drink with a friend, or sit on the patio, or take your laptop in alone and work. It's just a really nice place. What a great addition to Dilworth!

  • Elianny Salcedo

    Elianny Salcedo


    Nice coffee chain that offers more than just coffee as the name implies. You can come in for the coffee, tea or wine as well as their decent selection of food. The staff here was super friendly.The space was very nice and comfortable if you want to come for a while and do some work.

najbliższy Kawiarnia

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