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1029, East 218th Street, 10469, Bronx County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 347-257-1796
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Latitude: 40.880075, Longitude: -73.853685

komentarze 5

  • en

    Arit Onyile


    If I could get give negative stars I would. I hired Nosa Productions for my traditional Nigerian engagement which was July 2017. Nosa was the point person during the whole exchange. For the most part, he was courteous and prompt with his responses. Prior to the event, I sent him an itemized email with locations and times and what images/videos should be captured. The day of the event, he showed up LATE. I was a little annoyed but did not make a big deal about it. Regardless he was able to capture some special moments at the hotel prior to the event at venue. At the venue, I noticed that Nosa was not even the primary photographer. It seems like he was the middle man and found a more competent photographer to be the primary photographer during the traditional engagement. I was blindsided by this development. Thankfully, the primary photographer was NOT Nosa. The primary photographer did an impeccable job and was able to capture the overall mood of the event. Throughout the event, Nosa was pleasant and he was able to re-direct myself and the bridegroom. That is about the only positive I have about this whole experience directly working with NOSA. As for the deliverables-- the contract we signed stated that it would take 10 weeks for the images and videos to be made available. 10 weeks came and went and still not contact from NOSA. It has been an uphilll battle trying to get all of the images and video from this so called production team. According to our contract, we paid nearly 2000$ for 6 hours of coverage to include photos, 2 hour edited video of the event, 10 mins highlight video and 2 mins social media highlights video. All of which would be shared electronically and on DVD to be mailed via USPS. To this date- I have only received the electronic versions of the photos and 2 hour video. I am still awaiting the hightlights VIDEOS and the physical copies. Every time, my family or I try to contact Nosa he has a story (lie) to tell us. He has been in Canada or in Nigeria and has had to postpone his return to the states. Clearly he is lying because I have called him on his US cell phone and he picks up and he is posting religiously on social media. As of now, I am done being patient. He has violated all terms of the contract and I am taking legal action. Perhaps he will be more responsive this route. In short, do not be fooled by the enticing price point. Actually his price point isn't even that great given all of the foolishness and running around my family and I have had to endure. He is nothing but a scammer and I do not want another couple to fall victim to his schemes. Be mindful of the google reviews of this company I believe these reviews are "in-house" reviews done by a member of the Nosa production team, probably Nosa himself. PS: If you are in the Philadelphia/NJ/NYC area there are PLENTY of more affordable, more reliable, MORE professional options available on Thumbtact. Hope this review was helpful. As for Nosa, shame on you.

  • Ann Onyegwara

    Ann Onyegwara


    I recommended them to cover my friend's wedding, video and photography. Despite my friend's low budget, they still delivered an exceptional work.

  • Sevnec Environmental

    Sevnec Environmental


    The promotional video for our company is beyond our expectation. The story telling and video editing is top notch. The wait for our final product was worth it.

  • en

    Sim Mafi


    The production company that actually cares about its client's satisfaction. Nosa is a producer like no other, he is very passionate about his craft and will work with you to make sure you are satisfied with the end result. He recorded my track and also did an impressive video to follow.

  • en

    Nosa Productions


    The best production company to contact for any occasion. Our video and photography packages are affordable. Your budget does not affect the quality of work you get. Your special day happens Once, Let it be documented Well by Experienced and Professional Team.

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