NOS BAR i Azle

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240, West Main Street, 76020, Azle, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-406-4439
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Latitude: 32.893659, Longitude: -97.545429

kommentar 5

  • Jon Dezaruba

    Jon Dezaruba


    Great bar and venue if you like Texas Country. The staff are always nice and on top of their game making sure your beverages are on point. Staff stays busy throughout the night and always have a smile on. Love playing pool they have two table with regulars that will put your pool skills to the test. Great atmosphere with a old bar hole in the wall feel which is my favorite. Outside sand volleyball and human foos ball court sets your night up for a guaranteed ride home.

  • Jameson Barkley

    Jameson Barkley


    Reminded me of high school, no one was friendly. (Patrons) The staff was preoccupied with her group of friends. Serving those who only sat down directly at the bar. I assume it was a tactic so she didn't have to walk around to tables, serving drinks. Like she should have been doing. Drinks were 3$domestic. I chose bud light, cause dilly dilly! Avoidable at best. Go somewhere decent, *cough* spillway even *cough* at least at those bars the waitress will wait on you. Instead of you waiting for her conversation about her netflix, awful children, and bastard ex husband to end. Avoidable at best

  • Porscha Morgan

    Porscha Morgan


    Always a great time!! Everybody is friendly and there is always something to do or someone new to meet.

  • Ryan Collier

    Ryan Collier


    One of my favorite bars of all time. Good hole in the wall bar!!

  • en

    Jeffrey Kagan


    Great service, great drinks great tables. Music is always on point. They have a system called jookable and you can add ytour own music. Awesome small town home bar

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