Northwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care en Plainview

Estados UnidosNorthwell Health-GoHealth Urgent Care



🕗 horarios

377, South Oyster Bay Road, 11803, Plainview, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-537-9061
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.785646, Longitude: -73.501851

comentarios 5

  • en

    E Silva


    Friendly, profesional and quick, addressed all my concerns. Very nice, new looking and comfortable establishment as well. Was seen by Dr Kasaji

  • en

    Katie Delargy


    I had a very good experience in the Plainview center on South Oyster Bay Road. All staff were very knowledgeable and professional. There was a very short wait time and the rooms are extremely clean. I would definitely recommend Northwell Health Urgent Care!!

  • Rahul Gupta

    Rahul Gupta


    Went in as a walk-in and the experience was great! From the front desk all the way to check-out, the entire staff was courteous and caring. I felt like they genuinely wanted to help me. The office is clean, well-lit, and easily accessible.

  • Catherine Barteldt

    Catherine Barteldt


    My own doctors office for 20-plus years didn't pick up their phones 1 hour after they were scheduled open. I looked in desperation for somewhere else. I booked an appointment online for 40-minutes later at Plainview Urgent care. (Could've been 20, but I had to shower!) From Christina at reception, to Jamie the PA, to Dr. Thakkar, I was treated with courtesy, kindness and professionalism. Beautifully clean office. What a terrific experience!

  • en

    Joellen Hegmann


    This was my second visit to Northwell Go Health. I was very impressed with the cleanliness of the place, and feel I received good care there. Doctors are caring and professional and the office staff was very helpful. I would recommend them and will use them again if I need care and my doctor of 30 years is unavailable.

Salud más cercano

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