Northeast Exterminating Inc w Stamford

Stany ZjednoczoneNortheast Exterminating Inc


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

652, Glenbrook Road, 06906, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 203-324-3025
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.0743123, Longitude: -73.5180175

komentarze 2

  • Danny Quach

    Danny Quach


    I've had nothing but wonderful experiences with Northeast Exterminating. I've used them both at my mom's house for a pre-spring preventative spray (ants, etc.) as well as my own house. They were fairly priced and highly flexible with my crazy schedule. They even went out of their way to try and carve out an earlier time to appease me. Northeast is a wonderful exterminator that I would highly recommend to anyone. Let's continue to support our local small businesses!

  • en

    Susan C


    I have never written a negative review of any company but I've had such a terrible experience, I felt I should. This company is the most unprofessional company that I have ever been in contact with. We had signed a yearly contract with this company- Each of the exterminators that came to service our house did not bother to do a thorough job, so we had to keep requesting them to return to spray the areas that they missed. Despite sending out different exterminators, only the owner did a thorough job. We would have changed exterminators but we had signed and paid for the year. When we had an issue with bees, I called up to have John, the owner, come spray for bees. After I was told by the secretary that since I was so difficult, they would like us to take our business elsewhere, she hung up on me! Just a terrible experience.

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