Northeast Collision Inc. w Plainfield

Stany ZjednoczoneNortheast Collision Inc.



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1128, North Avenue, 07062, Plainfield, Union County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 908-226-3566
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.630234, Longitude: -74.4027009

komentarze 5

  • en

    frank gagliardi


    I took a couple of months to check through Reviews of Auto Body shops in my area. I asked around and even asked the dealer I bought my car from.Northeast collision Kept coming up as a great place to have Auto body work done.The fact they had Over 100 reviews giving them a 5 plus Rating didn't hurt either. After speaking with Ryan at Northeast I decided to use them.It was a good Decision they did an excellent job I have a,2016 Dodge Charger and it looked Like it came right off the showroom floor The whole car was detailed besides the Excellent job on the body work They even left a lottery ticket I would recommend Northeast Collision to Anyone whos looking to have body work Done to their car

  • en

    Ellen Staple


    Working with Frank, Ryan and Leah was an absolute pleasure. From the moment I walked into the shop I welcomed and knew that I had chosen the right bodyshop to fix my car. They handled all the details with my insurance company and within 2 days of dropping off my car, it was ready. My car looks like it just came off the showroom floor.

  • en

    ling luo


    Frank is a very professional service provider. My car was damaged in the storm, and he came to my house and estimated the price. He tried his best to help us. I still had a question about the car after I paid and picked up the car, and he still came on the weekend to help. We are so satisfied with him. If we have any other problems, I will definitely go to him.

  • en

    Jennifer Nadel


    After having my car repaired multiple times at Northeast Collision, I would never want anyone else to touch my car. Their customer service goes above and beyond, with frequent updates and communication with the insurance company. They made sure my car was fixed the correct way, and helped through every step with the insurance. Ryan is honest, meticulous, and a pleasure to deal with. You will not get taken advantage of here. My car looks amazing and I would highly recommend using them!

  • en

    UCS Principal


    I only have good words about Northeast Collision. From the moment My husband and I walked in the office and left the car to them, until we picked up the car two weeks and one day after, it was a total pleasant experience. Leah and Ryan were so easy to talk to and worked effectively. Ryan told us the repair time will be at least 2 weeks. To my surprise, after two weeks and one day, my car looked brand new and was ready to go. The shop gave our car a detailed cleaning, even better than the dealer provided when we bought another new car from. Thanks, Northeast Collision, we will recommend anyone we know if they need a body repair!

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