North Beach w Corpus Christi

Stany ZjednoczoneNorth Beach


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

Surfside Boulevard, 78402, Corpus Christi, Nueces County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 361-826-3469
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 27.8192304, Longitude: -97.3885483

komentarze 5

  • Thomas Eaton

    Thomas Eaton


    Very nice Beach and also dog friendly.... Milo loves it!

  • en

    Ilea Gregersen


    The aquarium on north beach is a great family oriented place to go

  • Julie Ridenour

    Julie Ridenour


    I would not recommend this "beach" to anyone. The sand hurts, the water feels weird from the weird sand. I would suggest going to the real beaches.

  • Lisa Stockton

    Lisa Stockton


    This beach will always be a special place because last year my husband proposed to me on it while we were watching the sunrise. The views are really wonderful. You can see the USS Lexington in the water which makes a great backdrop for pictures. It is easy to drive to. I am not sure about parking. We stayed at the Days Inn and walked down to the beach. There are lots of other hotels along the beach you can stay at. The only thing I did not like was the amount of jellyfish. I don't know if it was the time of year (late July) or what but they were all over the place. We didn't even get in the water because of that. It was a nice place to just stroll along the sand. It was tricky to keep and eye on my kids to make sure they weren't stepping on the jellyfish though. When we were there it was not very crowded.

  • en

    Candice Jones


    Pretty clean, easy access, but it gets crowded fast. Beautiful view of the ocean and the USS Lexington. Close to restaurants and shops. People are respectful of your things and friendly. A great way to spend the day.

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