Noodle Bar en Phoenix

Estados UnidosNoodle Bar



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114, W Adams St, 85003, Phoenix, Maricopa County, US Stany Zjednoczone
contactos teléfono: +1 480-454-7905
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.4496338, Longitude: -112.0753445

comentarios 5

  • en

    Downtown Phoenix


    As the name suggests, Noodle Bar specializes in noodle dishes with a focus on Japanese and Italian cuisine. The Japanese half of the menu is concise with five stellar ramen dishes all made with artisan noodles and rich house-butchered broths.

  • Kat



    I love I mean LOVE the ramen at this restaurant the best I’ve had in downtown Phoenix. But they keep raising the prices everytime I go. As a college student this makes me go less frequent.

  • Dominyc Turner

    Dominyc Turner


    This places menu is a cultural experience in itself. They have Italian and Japanese noodle dishes. The artwork on the walls is cool and the music is like you're in a bike shop. The ramen options are all very different and unique. Gotta go back and try them all.

  • Ivan Racadag

    Ivan Racadag


    Was on my way to get sushi but it was full, so I stopped in here. I'm glad that sushi place was full. It's a very hip little place that actually has lots of space. I got the spicy miso and it was perfection. The noodles, broth, and pork; all of it was spot on. But my favorite part was actually the egg. I've never had an egg like that; you just have to try one of the items that has it.

  • en

    Tammie Bryant


    Our overall experience was terrible and the food was really sad as well as bad. Strike one: The greeting at the door was less than spectacular, the server had an attitude and was quite short with us. I had just walked in, sat down, had not looked at the menu when the server walked up to ask what I wanted to order. Really? you saw that I had just reached the table. Strike 2: Due to food allergies I ended up having to order a pasta dish that was literally only 6 bites worth of food for $15.00. It was extremely salty and hard to eat. Strike 3, our water glasses went dry, and the server never really came back to check on us. We were disappointed, as we had heard great things about this restaurant and was excited to finally have the opportunity to try it. Unfortunately, we will never go back nor would we recommend Noodle Bar to anyone. Pros: NONE Cons: Food was terrible Overpriced for the portion size Service sucked

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