Noblesse Nail & Spa w Scarsdale

Stany ZjednoczoneNoblesse Nail & Spa



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132, Garth Road, 10583, Scarsdale, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 914-722-2684
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.9855765, Longitude: -73.8103271

komentarze 5

  • Samantha Agid

    Samantha Agid


    would give a -10 if it was an option. Absolute WORST nail salon i've ever been too. got a regular set of tips, cost me over 100 dollars and they all fell off within 6 days. I go to Sweet Nails in Valhalla ( if you look it up it says white plains) but if your passing the county jail on your right driving toward WCC its in thats little shopping center in between the 2 gas station. I like the colored power when they do my nails and its hard to find a place to do it. Maggie at Sweet Nails is a TRUE artist when it comes to nails. I even do the UV at S.N. and in love the colored fill powder because it lasts for ever, doesn't chip they don't fall off. When maggie does them I can literally go 6-8 weeks without a fill and it only costs 50 bux. I didn't even go back to this scam place in scarsdale because they would just fall off again. I have NEVER had all my nails fall off in less then a week. I've never had 1 nail fall off in less then a week. Oh and the back massages they give that are usually complimentary, they have the nerve to charge you for that as well!! I wound up paying over 118 dollars and that's just without tips! HORRIBLE, TERRIBLE, ABSOLUTELY HORRENDOUS nail salon. I've been to a alot and this is BY FAR the worst one i've ever been to, and besides the fact they charge a fortune where you can get your nails done beautifully for 30-60 instead of over 100, unbelievably ridiculous! I can't believe this place has so many good ratings because it's complete ass!!

  • Leeann Roberts

    Leeann Roberts


    Affordable prices. Quality work. Friendly staff.

  • Christin Mathew

    Christin Mathew


    By far my favorite place ever! I have tried many other places because Noblesse is kind of out of the way for me but no place had come close when it comes to service, cleanliness and the friendly staff. The closest I got to was a place I went to out in Long Island. The prices are reasonable and the quality of work is great!!

  • Anna Jacobs

    Anna Jacobs


    The place was very clean and the employees were friendly and nice! The shaping of my manicure was great however just two days after they were done, black lines/creases started showing on my manicure. I’m not sure what this is from. Maybe old nail polish?

  • en

    L A


    Really nice atmosphere, great music, and clean. They fit me in right away, same day without an appointment. The chairs are also nice. I will come back because it's a good salon. Also, lots of options for color! Good price too.

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