No Limit Motorsport w Medford

Stany ZjednoczoneNo Limit Motorsport



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1139, Station Road, 11763, Medford, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-363-8659
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.8009654, Longitude: -72.9502531

komentarze 5

  • jonathan camacho

    jonathan camacho


    Awesome shop. Very knowledgeable team and helpful. They take the time to help you understand the problem with your car and would never push a sale on something you dont need.

  • Jonathan Curtis

    Jonathan Curtis


    Great place. Great guys. They fully built and sleeved my block on my 06 Honda civic Si engine block, and send my head to 4piston to get thr head ported and special port and internals work for my custom TVS 1900 with Merc Racing air to air custom manifold to run a front mount intercooler. Installed a failsafe and gauge for my dual nozzle meth Injection setup spraying a whopping total of 1500cc/min of 70/30mix of meth (70%M1 100% methanol/30% distilled water.) Their main technician Moe is a great and very knowledgeable guy. They wash your car multiple times at least every couple weeks it is there. Great guys and if you own a performance car and want to bring it to the next level or just want to buy a few parts. These are the guys to go to. Ask for Rob or Moe and they will help you out. Mention this add as well as my name for reference.

  • en

    Angie Abruzzo


    Great work is always done here! My go to shop when I break anything

  • en

    Diogenes Capellan Gomez


    Amazing experience! From the moment i stepped into their facilities Bob, help me out tremendously. He got me the parts i wanted for the right price. Mo, its by far one of the most talented mechanics i have met. I really appreciate the help and tips to keep my car fun and reliable at the same time. Thanks guys!

  • Jason NO

    Jason NO


    I live in MA. And I. Order to get a good price, these guys are the go to place for ordering for me. To bad there is no place up in these parts. Any way, they have so far made my experience in purchasing performance parts a good thing. Very helpful when I have questions. Thanks guys.

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