Nirvana International Inc w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneNirvana International Inc



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246, West Broadway, 10013, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-789-9001
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7199622, Longitude: -74.0059911

komentarze 4

  • danor shtruzman

    danor shtruzman


    danor shtruzman




    Nirvana International is a gorgeous store in NYC selling the most esquisite jewelry. Each piece of jewelry is a beautiful piece of art. The jewelry is unique, very high quality and very reasonably prices. The staff is professional, knowledgeable and offers excellent customer service. It came across to me that one of their specialities among others, is that the owner seeks out rare jewels from all over the world, puts a new spin to make it new and contemporary. Great mix of new and old world !! This place is one of my favorite stores in NYC. Had a great experience here and plan to go back again ...

  • Myra Magaletta

    Myra Magaletta


    Nirvana International is a wonderful place. I had the pleasure of meeting the owner Amit over 8 years ago when I purchased my diamond wedding bands from him at his prior midtown location. I was thrilled to discover he relocated to my TriBeCa neighborhood. He provides excellent customer service and takes the time to patiently understand what I'm looking for working with me to locate specific stones and cuts, and always with fair pricing. There is a beautiful selection of fine jewelry, one of a kind and vintage pieces. I entrust him with my jewelry repairs and redesign. He recently helped me transform an old tennis bracelet I hadn't used in a decade into beautiful contemporary drop earrings, and helped improve the design of a large stone ring I acquired in Italy so that the stone was not only more secure but prominently featured. His eye for designing special and personal pieces is impressive. The location is tranquil and comfortable to look at and try on pieces without ever feeling pressure. I highly recommend Nirvana International for the fine jewelry and wonderful service!

  • en

    Farrah Brown


    My husband and I have had a wonderful experiece with Amit Sharma at Nirvana. Strategically, he found out my taste in engagement rings and wedding bands and was able to share the information with my husband without my knowledge. I could have not been happier with the two pieces my husband selected with Amit's guidance. It is the perfect wedding set for our taste and budget. Thankfully, Amit did not pressure my husband to exceed his budget and we were able to get the best that we could afford at the time. I will never have to upgrade on my wedding set! We have been married for 6 years now and every time I am in NYC, we see Amit. Love his newest gallery location and he is always willing to give advice on vintage pieces that I have inherited or make repairs.

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