Nick & Gina's Pizzeria & Ristorante w Selden

Stany ZjednoczoneNick & Gina's Pizzeria & Ristorante



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638, Middle Country Road, 11784, Selden, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-732-3845
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Latitude: 40.86571, Longitude: -73.033869

komentarze 5

  • en

    Leonor Perez


    Service was good. The food not so much. The shrimp scampi was horrible.

  • en

    Maria Kelly


    Ordered pizza pasta and salad speacial last night. Lettuce had dirt on it, not alittle alot, realized after eating a few bites this morning, obviously it wasnt washed!! If the cook was careless to not wash the lettuce makes me wonder if he was careful enough to use a clean knife... im very dissapointed im a regular customer and now im just disgusted, i will never order from here again. I also wanna add how dry the pasta is here 3rd time ordering pasta hoping they would make it like the first time i Ordered which was good, but no...always extremely dry maybe they hired a new chef. Well never again unless there's Pizza is also dry theres never enough sauce on it anymore. And I don't even like a lot of sauce on my pizza just want a normal slice of pizza , its like I'm eating cheese on bread with a smidgen of sauce. Sauce taste different too. But i cannot get over the dirt i ate!! So people just remember don't eat the salad. Might as well just go in your backyard fill up a plate with dirt, throw in some tomatoes and onions and enjoy that. Every week we order from this place, me and my husband agree on never ordering from here again. My husband gets so comfortable with ordering from this place he kept giving them a chance. I recommend for the owner to watch over his chefs and the people he hires because they're making his business look very bad. This place used to be amazing, not anymore...

  • en

    Jason Gross


    Great food, service, atmosphere and prices

  • Brodys Mom

    Brodys Mom


    The first time I went, it was spectacular. We went back the next day, ordered the same thing and it was different. I'd say they are inconsistent at best. But their sauces are fabulous so it's a shame that they're inconsistent.

  • en

    Joe D


    Second to none. The owner Steve and his team are an amazing group of individuals! I called Steve up on Wednesday for a 25 full tray order I needed on that same Friday (today) for associate's day at work. Steve didn't even hesitate and gladly took the order. The attention to detail that they have here is unreal. Every single tray was spectacular and all 300 associates can't stop raving about how much they enjoyed themselves. They delivered in 3 waves and each time the gentlemen were prompt, respectful, and friendly. I recommend this place to anyone that wants to have a nice quiet night out with a loved one or family. They have a beautiful "family oriented" restaurant in the back and I think you'll be surprised with the dishes! Authentic great cooking by Steve and the crew. Thank you guys again for making today a great success! I appreciate all the hard work and efforts that went into it!

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