Nicholas L. Faustini Architect PC en Yonkers

Estados UnidosNicholas L. Faustini Architect PC



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1700, Central Park Avenue, 10710, Yonkers, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 914-329-1518
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.9567776, Longitude: -73.841309

comentarios 5

  • en

    William Ransom


    My wife and I engaged Nicholas Faustini Architect P.C. to help us design, engineer our home's new deck, patio, masonry pillars and wall and then present the design to the local town officials for their approval. We are very pleased with Nick's design sensibilities, attention to detail and efficiency in getting our project properly designed and approved. We recommend Nick Faustini Architect, P.C. without hesitation. Bill Brody

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    Ilir gjoni


    Nick first worked on a office suite conversion which he did a fantastic job on! After the successful completion of the project we retained Nick on a few other projects. In all engagements Nick worked directly with the building department in securing our permits saving us the hassle. I will definitely use him again as we continue our ventures in real estate!

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    Debra Kirschner


    We are so happy to have met and been provided with the professional services of Nicholas Faustini! He assisted us with a home improvement project in our Yonkers home. He is most knowledgeable, his architectural plans are impeccable, his service is prompt, he gives useful advice, and he was a pleasure to work with. We highly recommend Mr. Faustini to anybody in need of an architect! Thank you, Debra & Richard

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    Karen Lyons


    Nick Faustini worked with us to create master plans for a major kitchen remodel that included the removal of a large load bearing wall and the addition of multiple steel beams for structural support, one of which weighed over 1,000 pounds. He also did plans for a master bathroom extension/remodel and the finishing of our basement. Nick was courteous, professional, and delivered our completed plans to us in a timely manner. He gave us lots of great ideas to help maximize our space and ensure that the house would function well for our family, always taking the time to explain things to us. He is very patient and nice to work with! Nick also handled all aspects of filing for the permit and dealing with the Town, which can be daunting. We found Nick's pricing to be competitive as well, as we had gotten quotes from other local architects that were considerably higher. In short, we would recommend Nick Faustini wholeheartedly.

  • EThreePro



    Nicholas was an amazingly lucky find!! His work was excellent and he always took care of whatever we needed. Even when we needed a new General Contractor, Nicholas helped us to find the perfect company. The extension on our Scarsdale home would not have been possible without his hard work and dedication to the project. He was always available when we needed him and and his pricing was incredibly fair for the level of quality he provides. We highly recommend him to anyone! The Tyler Family

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