Nic L Inn Wine Cellar on the Hudson en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosNic L Inn Wine Cellar on the Hudson



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135, North Water Street, 12601, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-452-5649
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.7116951, Longitude: -73.9378001

comentarios 5

  • T Strohl

    T Strohl


    Only had drinks here. Atmosphere is GREAT! I looked at the menu, a little pricey.

  • Joe Pasquini

    Joe Pasquini


    Farm to table is this quaint establishments motto and the food exemplifies that in a big way. We had a large party there so we tried a big selection of items. The octopus was well cooked with a chewy but not rubbery texture. The pollpette we perfectly cooked with a delicious red gravy. The homemade pastas were fluffy and held the taste of their respective sauce or gravy. The wine selection was large with something for everyone. Recommended!

  • Jacobina Tiani

    Jacobina Tiani


    Where do I begin!!!! Amazing wine collection, nice variety of homemade pasta daily and don't get me started on desserts. Great place for date night or drinks with the girls.

  • en

    Michele D


    Well - Had Easter Dinner at the restaurant which was not crowded - nice ! Old World Cheese/Meat board was good Leg of Lamb - two slices with roasted potatoes 29.00 a bit pricey for what was served. It had no flavor ... need a richer gravy. It was a bit dry. I was disappointed - definitely would not order again. Salmon my daughter in law said was just 'ok' Risotto in the cheese wheel. 24.00 for cheesy rice peas and asparagus .. was ok.. not too much taste ... pricey for rice ! should be lowered. Maybe it's high because it's tossed in front of you. My son half order of pasta - THAT was good. I think that was the best of all the meals we had. Overall - I'd say the experience was OK .. not outstanding. Prices were on the high side for what was served. Ha! It's a week later .. and still no response from owner. You all can form your own opinions about this !!

  • sky nogu

    sky nogu


    Nice atmosphere. Unfortunately, despite ambitions, the food was mediocre. For instance, the squid ink pasta dish had no squid ink flavor because the tomato/pepper sauce was so overwhelming. And instead of squid, it comes with shrimp (the pieces I had were in their last days of freshness). Hope they can improve the dishes because the place and the service are good.

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