NIA Interiors i Farmingdale

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82, Rome Street, 11735, Farmingdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-815-5300
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7127613, Longitude: -73.4213173

kommentar 5

  • en

    Debra Bolton


    After trying to get the seats for our boat reupholstered at a different shop since April, we searched and found this gem of a shop! Seats were done in under a week as promised. Jason is a wonderful guy to deal with. Highly recommended! Oh...and the workmanship is top notch!

  • en

    Edward Larkin


    Just had the seats done on my corvette and the guys did a great job will use them again Eddie L

  • Trome Simmons

    Trome Simmons


    Miguel and Jason were two terrific people. Kind gesture spoken truth. They helped me with a seat from my Jeep and match the color to the T. Couldn't be more happier thank you guys truly

  • en

    Jorge Perez


    NIA Interiors made my old steering wheel look better than what it did new! They are a very professional group with extreme talent! They are a step forward into the future with their innovative designs.

  • en

    Bill Benner


    Recently decided to reupholster some of our furniture and found NIA on line. The job they did was beyond fantastic. The craftsmanship is better than anything I've ever seen and thier attention to detail is wonderful. Jason and his team are some of the most pleasant people I've ever done business with. I would absolutely recommend them to anyone needing any type of upholstery project completed. Thanks to NIA for giving our furniture new life!

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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