NHCAC Health Center in Garfield

Vereinigte StaatenNHCAC Health Center



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535, Midland Avenue, 07026, Garfield, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakte telefon: +1 973-340-1182
webseite: nhcac.org
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 40.8827455, Longitude: -74.1014453

kommentare 5

  • alfred cuevas

    alfred cuevas


    Es mucho mejor que el de WNY. Y mucho más limpio gracias.

  • en

    tenzin dekyi


    The workers and service are pretty nice, but the wait is very long. If your appointment is at 11:30, you could be waiting at least 15 minutes up to an hour or more just to get looked at. However the facility and doctors are nice.

  • en

    Luis Yungaizaca


    This clinic is the worst clinic ever see the staff people they don’t know what they do and we Make appointment for 10 am and they said my appointment is a 1 pm I cancel all and I never coming back

  • katherine diaz

    katherine diaz


    the nurse are good, but they don t have doctors, you must to spend st least 5 hours before go in, even with appointments actually I don t know why you take an appoiments and then you go in whenever they want.

  • Ivonne Zempoalteca

    Ivonne Zempoalteca


    The waiting time is about 2 hours just to get general questions asked with the nurse & to see the doctor is about 30 minutes more of waiting. For people like me who don't have insurance there is nothing else to do but wait & for the price it is reasonable. It is a public clinic so what else can you expect. The nurses are nice they usually explain everything i need to know for birth control the obgyn docs are okay but not as good as I expect. The bathrooms are usually clean but have no garbage cans in each stall which does not make sense.

nächste Krankenhaus

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