New York Wing Factory w Fort Lee

Stany ZjednoczoneNew York Wing Factory



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1642, Schlosser Street, 07024, Fort Lee, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-482-8456
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 40.8498207, Longitude: -73.9701724

komentarze 5

  • en



    Have been here before, but I was finally able to come when there were Happy Hour deals (1/2 off Boneless Chicken). For two people, we ordered 40 pcs. in soy garlic. It's like Korean fried chicken (think Bonchon)... But of course boneless. Surprised at how much food they gave you. Was only able to eat a few pieces, and packed the rest for leftovers. The only negative thing is it takes forever to flag your server down. Given it's a sports bar (GREAT place for watching any games) I kind of just shrugged it off.. but it can be annoying when you're trying to be in and out after your meal.

  • en

    Jessy Amane


    Didn't have any of their food but bartenders were great with service and drinks.

  • OutsidersJourney



    Racist place. I went there recently and was treated horribly. Me being the only Hispanics in the place you feel the tension. When it came time to leave and after paying the bill as we walk out we were asked if we paid by the wait staff. Let me guess I didn't pay cause I was Hispanic? Spoke to manager he didn't show real interest. Only good for WHITES. Edit: you owner are fake news. You know Damn well what goes on in here. And if you don't see any wrong I guess we found the real problem of this place,

  • Joseph Kim

    Joseph Kim


    Great chicken and special daily! Tacos and salad use to be good, but now they are just so-so. I usually come there for the chicken and beer selection is great.

  • en

    Rosemary Cabrera


    I was there Saturday night for dinner. The service was supper. The cocktails were on point. I originally Ordered the Parmesan fries and later changed my mind and wanted to add cheddar and bacon. The waiter was very cool about it and the fries came out perfectly delicious. The wings were out of this world. I will Definitely recommend this place. Is a chill and friendly environment. Only recommendation is to have the soy wings come out a little quicker but taking into consideration the process of how they make it, I understand why they take a little longer.

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